Parent Consent Form

Parent Consent FormWaiver and ReleaseI/We hereby consent to the use of the photographs described below of___________________________ (name of child) by the___________________________ (name of child care program) to be posted on the child careprovider's Facebook page: __________________________ (url).Photograph #1: __________________________________________(describe)Photograph #2: _________________________________________________Photograph #3: _________________________________________________Photograph #4: _________________________________________________Photograph #5: _________________________________________________Provider agrees not to use the photos identified above for any other purpose without the written permission of the parent/guardian.By signing this waiver and release I/we certify that I/we am/are the legal parent or guardian of the child identified above. Parent/Guardian _______________________________________________Parent/Guardian _______________________________________________Date ________________________ 


Family Child Care Record Keeping Guide - 9th Edition


Contracts & Policies Questions and Answers: Part V