What Can You Deduct as an Advertising Expense?

What Can You Deduct as an Advertising Expense?

Here are some examples of expenses you can claim under the expense category of Advertising:

Answering service


Bumper stickers

Business cards

Business flyer and door hangers


Design of a business logo

Enrollment packets

Finder’s fee for parents who refer another parent to your program

Keepsakes with your business name, such as: caps, visors, chip clips, coffee mugs, cup holders, Frisbees, headbands, key chains, magnets, magnetic clips, notepads, pens, pencils, stickers and water squeeze bottles

Membership dues to you local Chamber of Commerce or other business organization

Name badges

Newspaper classified ads

Parent newsletters, such as Parent Page Newsletter and Growing Together

Parties and picnics for parents of children in your care or prospective parents

Photo album or scrapbook to display information about your business during parent interviews

Photographs you take of the children in your care that you share with their parents

Printing and typesetting expenses for marketing materialsRadio ads

Registration fee to register your business name

Rubber stamps or return address stickers with your business name and return address for mailing letters

Tote bags with your business name on it

T-shirts for the children in your care or T-shirts you wear to advertise your business

Web site maintenance (set up costs and annual fees)

Welcome mat

Yard, magnetic and window signs

Yellow Pages listing

Any other form of business advertising

Tom Copeland - www.tomcopelandblog.com

Image credit: https://whereimaginationgrows.com/advertising-your-family-child-care-program/


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