Key Considerations When Buying Family Child Care Business Liability Insurance

Are you confident in knowing what to look for when purchasing family child care business liability insurance? Understanding the differences in coverage options can make a significant impact on the protection your policy provides.

For instance, do you know the distinction between "per occurrence" and "aggregate" coverage? Or the difference between an "individual policy" and a "master policy"? These terms can greatly affect the extent of your coverage, and it's crucial to be informed before making a decision.

Not All Policies Are Created Equal

Business liability insurance policies can vary widely in terms of what they cover. Shopping solely based on price can lead to inadequate protection, which could leave you vulnerable to risks that could have been easily mitigated with the right policy.

To help you make an informed decision, the National Association for Family Child Care, several insurance agents, and our team have collaborated to create a checklist titled Ten Questions to Ask Before You Purchase Family Child Care Business Liability Insurance. This tool is designed to guide you through the process, ensuring that you choose a policy that offers the right coverage for your needs.

By using this checklist, you’ll be better equipped to shop smartly and understand exactly what you’re purchasing.

Why Business Liability Insurance Is Essential

Every family child care provider should invest in professional business liability insurance. The nature of this work involves caring for children, which inherently carries certain risks. From potential injuries to lawsuits for alleged neglect or inadequate supervision, the challenges providers face are real. Business liability insurance offers a layer of protection, allowing providers to focus on offering care without constantly worrying about potential legal or financial repercussions.

It's important to note that a homeowner’s insurance policy will not cover accidents or lawsuits related to a child care business. This is why specialized business liability insurance is so critical.

Tips for Shopping Smart

When shopping for business liability insurance, it’s advisable to compare policies from at least three different insurance companies. Request a copy of each policy and take the time to review the coverage and pricing carefully. Our Ten Questions to Ask Before You Purchase Family Child Care Business Liability Insurance checklist can be an invaluable resource in this process, helping you to compare policies effectively.

Remember, the cost of an insurance policy often reflects the extent of its coverage. While a cheaper policy might seem appealing, it may not provide the comprehensive protection needed. We recommend opting for higher coverage—ideally, a policy that offers $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate coverage. The price difference between this level of coverage and the minimum coverage is typically minimal, but the additional protection is substantial.

Finally, keep in mind that the cost of business liability insurance is 100% tax-deductible, which makes investing in the right policy even more advantageous.

By taking the time to carefully consider your options and using the right resources, you can ensure that your family child care business is adequately protected, allowing you to focus on what you do best—caring for the children in your care.


Starting Your Family Child Care Business: A Guide for New Providers, Part IV


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