May a Parent Stop You From Holding Birthday Parties?

How would you handle this situation?

While talking with a parent who wants to enroll in your program, she tells you that she is a Jehovah’s Witness. She says she doesn’t believe in her child attending any birthday parties.

Federal anti-discrimination law says you cannot discriminate against parents or children because of their religion.

So, you cannot tell this parent that you won’t care for her child because she is a Jehovah’s Witness.

However, you don’t have to agree to the wishes of parents who wants you to follow her religious beliefs.

So, you can respond, “You are welcome to attend my program. I will continue to have birthday parties. I’ll be happy to notify you about them ahead of time but I won’t be changing my program.”

Or you can respond, “You are welcome to attend my program. I am willing to reduce the number of birthday parties to try to make your child feel more comfortable.”

Take the time to share with the parent each other's beliefs. It's likely you will come up with a satisfactory accommodation.

Tom Copeland –

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