Do Parents Owe You When Christmas is on Sunday?

Let's say that Christmas Day is on Sunday this year. If your contract states that parents must pay for Christmas Day and Christmas Eve Day, does this mean that parents must pay for these days even when you are normally closed?

The answer depends on your contract and how you interpret it.

The best way to handle this in your contract is to include the following language: "Payment is due for my paid holidays even if the holiday falls on a day that I am normally closed (i.e. Saturday or Sunday)."

If you don't have similar language in your contract, you can add it now and ask the parent to sign the addition.

Or, you can tell the parent that you expect them to pay you for the upcoming holidays, even though it's not directly addressed in your contract. Many, if not all your parents may still pay.

What can you do if a parent says she shouldn’t have to pay because it’s not directly addressed in your contract?

In my opinion, I don't think you should try to force parents to pay you for days you are normally closed (weekends), unless your contract addresses this issue.

Tom Copeland –

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For more information about contracts, see my book Family Child Care Contracts & Policies.


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