IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service

6a0133f3fc5805970b015392a88093970b-320wiIf you are having problems resolving a problem with the IRS, contact the IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service at 877-777-4778 (24 hours a day). They can help you in the following situations:

·      You’ve experienced a delay of more than 30 days to resolve an issue

·      You are suffering, or are about to suffer, a significant hardship

·      You haven’t received a response or resolution by the date promised

·      You are facing an immediate threat of an adverse action (lien on your home, etc.)

One family child care provider from Minnesota got a notice from the IRS that she owed a lot of money in back taxes. She contacted the IRS several times to explain that she had paid her taxes, but she kept getting more and more threatening IRS notices saying that she still owed money. The Taxpayer Advocate Service will intercede in situations like this to resolve the problem.

Tom Copeland -

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