It's Provider Appreciation Day!

Let me add my voice to many others in wishing all family child care providers happy Provider Appreciation Day!

Started in 1996 by a group of volunteers in New Jersey, Provider Appreciation Day is appropriately celebrated each year the Friday before Mother’s Day. The founding organizers saw the need to recognize the tireless efforts of providers who care for the children of working parents. Over the past 30+ years I have met tens of thousands of family child care providers and I am always impressed with your dedication to your work. I have great respect for the tremendously difficult job you do with such love that often goes unacknowledged. Our society doesn’t value its children and those who care for them the way it should. I got into this field because I saw the need for family child care providers to better understand the business side of their work.  No matter how hard I work, however, my job is much easier than yours! Congratulations on your dedication to young children! Thank you for helping make the world a better place for us all.

Tom Copeland –

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