Tom Copeland Wins Educators Voice Award

Tom Copeland has won the 2012 Educators Voice Award for the best Education Commentator/Blogger by the Academy of Educations Arts and Sciences.

There were 27 other nominees and I received over twice as many votes as the runner up. Thanks to everyone who voted for me!

This is a cross-discipline award that identifies and acknowledges excellence throughout the education field - from teachers, principals and superintendents, to school nurses, support staff, advocates, researchers, early childhood specialists, education journalists and parents.

The Academy of Education Arts and Sciences presents two awards in every category, the Bammy Award and the Educator's Voice Award. The Academy selects the winners of the Bammy Award and I did not make the cut for the five finalists. The finalists of the Bammy Award are all well known in the broader field of K-12 education.

The Educator's Voice Award winner in the category of family child care provider is Kathy Miller, President of the Washington State Child Care Association.

I received many kind comments from those who voted for me:

"Tom Copeland is the business GURU for family child care providers."

"I absolutely could not have been so successful without Tom Copeland's knowledge and expertise in the business of family child care."

"Tom Copeland is a national advocate for family child care providers. His books, webinars, in-person trainings and blog site are key resources for a successful family child care business whether you are new to the profession or an experienced family child care provider."

"Tom provides continuous, relevant, and accurate information in a clear, straightforward way. His positive, practical approach transforms babysitters into daycare business women."

"Tom Copeland has been there for us who work in Child Care Resource and Referral and to child care providers to answer questions, for help with business and legal issues, for education and information about the business of child care. He is highly regarded by all of us working in the child care field. He is accessible and respectful."

Tom Copeland -


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